Frequently asked questions.

What is Sefton Spotlights?

Sefton Spotlights is Sefton Park Junior School’s after-school Musical Theatre Club, open to children in Years 3-6. It offers students the chance to develop theatre skills, build confidence, and take part in exciting musical theatre productions.

WHEN DOES Sefton Spotlights RUN?

Sefton Spotlights runs two programmes: an Autumn Club which runs in Term 1 & 2 and a Summer Club which runs in Term 5 & 6.

Sefton Spotlights does not currently run in Term 3 & 4.

What’s the difference between the Summer Club and the Autumn Club?

Summer Club (Term 5 & 6): Focuses on skill-building workshops, including drama games, singing, dancing, acting, and audition preparation. It’s open to all children in Years 3-6, runs for one hour a week, and does not culminate in a performance.

Autumn Club (Term 1 & 2): Focuses on rehearsing for a Christmas production. It’s open to children in Years 4-6 who audition and commit to the club. Rehearsals are two hours weekly and require additional preparation outside of sessions.

Do children need to audition to join?

Summer Club: No audition is required.

Autumn Club: Yes, children must audition in July, prepare a scene, song, and dance, and commit to the rehearsal and performance schedule. Details about what is required for auditions will be sent out at the end of Term 5.

When and how can my child join?

Information about how to sign up for Summer Club will be released at the end of Term 4. Details about how to audition for Autumn Club will be released at the end of Term 5.

What kind of commitment does the Autumn Club require?

Autumn Club members must:

Learn their lines over the summer.

Attend all weekly two-hour rehearsals.

Participate in additional rehearsals during lunchtimes or breaks as needed.

Perform in assemblies and up to four Christmas performances.

Can my child attend both Summer and Autumn Club?

Yes! Children are welcome to join both clubs, but it’s important to note that the two have different formats. Summer Club is more relaxed and workshop-based, while Autumn Club is production-focused and requires a greater time commitment.

What productions has Sefton Spotlights done in the past?

2019: The Grinch

2021: Elf The Musical Jr

2022: Matilda The Musical Jr

2023: The Lion King Jr

2024: Frozen Jr

What is the next production?

Our next production will be Oliver Jr. Auditions take place in July, with rehearsals beginning in September.

What’s this about a West End trip?

As part of the Oliver Jr experience, next year’s cast members will have the chance to visit London’s Geilgud Theatre to see Cameron Mackintosh’s revival of Oliver! on September 24th, 2025. This trip is exclusively for cast members who audition, accept their role, and join the Autumn Club.

How do I book a place on the West End trip?

Our trip to the West End in 2025 is fully booked. If more spaces do become available we will open up a waiting list for any other children who would like to join us.

I do not have a place on the West End trip, can i still take part in the autumn club and oliver jr?

Yes! Anyone who auditions, accepts their role and joins the Autumn Club can take part in our production. We hope to take as many of the cast as possible on our trip to the West End as it is an invaluable opportunity to see the show we are rehearsing being performed by professionals,

Can parents get involved?

Absolutely! Parental support is crucial to the success of Sefton Spotlights. From helping children practice lines at home to setting up WhatsApp groups for coordination and staying flexible during the busy rehearsal schedule, parents play a big role in making the magic happen.

Is there a role for every child?

Yes! Sefton Spotlights believes in inclusivity. Every child who auditions and joins the Autumn Club will have a part to play in the production.

Still have questions?

Please use the contact form on this website and one of our staff will get back to you.